

The Villages Nurse Club

General Business Meeting April 9, 2024 12:52 p.m.

Meeting called to order by President Arline Reinking-Hanf at 12:52

1)      Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance

2)     Flexibility with Nurse Club schedule related to speakers schedule.  Housekeeping: AED

3)     June Cook reported on raffle tickets and support of scholarships. There was no further update on scholarships.

4)     Next month the scholarships will be awarded.

5)     Treasurer’s report Pat Quinn. Kathy Mele was unavailable today related to conflicting plans. There are $3,000 available for scholarships this year. Two members have kindly offered funds for a 750.00 scholarship. $680.00 in luncheon funds and $ 3369.00 in the bank to date.

6)     Linda Bailey reported on the luncheon, May 14, 2024. It will be catered by La Hacienda as in the past. Linda offered her cell phone for anyone who has not purchased a luncheon ticket. 860-803-1546. The closing date for purchase is April 30, 2024.

7)     Scholarship Committee: the process for obtaining a scholarship is Kathy Mele reaches out to the Nursing programs - 3 colleges in our area working with the instructors.  Kip Putt met yesterday discussing the 13 applicants and 3 will be chosen. The Nurse Club will give $1,500.00, the Weinheimer family will donate $1,000 and private nurse donations for another $750.00 scholarship

8)     Marilyn Lanzone introduced the candidates for 2024/25 Nurse Club. The new vice president Lorraine Brown and Linda Bailey for president. Treasurer Kathy Mele, Recording secretary Sheri Silverman, Corresponding secretary Pat Keeney. The installation will be at the Nurse club luncheon next month.

9)     Tours report by Nancy Rush. The last tour will be the Ocala HCA ER located on 466A in the Trailwinds plaza April 23, 2024 at 9:00. 15 member limit.

10)  Sunshine report: Pat Keeney and Kitty Weber sends out the cards if a member is ill or in need.

11)  Raffle: June Cook

12)  Adjournment- 1:13 pm.

13)  Addendum- 120+ in attendance, 206 current members, 5 renewals  and 3 new members for March 2024.

Respectfully submitted by Sheri Silverman


The Villages Nurse Club

General Business Meeting March 12, 2024

Meeting called to order by President Arline Reinking-Hanf at 1:30 PM

1)      Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance

2)     Housekeeping: AED

3)     Kathy Mele reported on the raffle and scholarships status.  Linda Bailey reported on the status of the May Celebration Luncheon, and Linda will be president next year.    Nancy Rush reported on the last tour and stated there will be no tour in March. April tour TBD. Updates on our website.

4)     General business meeting 

              a.     Committee reports

                          i.     Treasurer- Kathy Mele reports financial. Raffle $211.00 and payout $75.00 and $1028.00 in scholarships.

                         ii.     Tours- Nancy Rush announced February tour was well received. No tour in March with April TBD.

                        iii.     Linda Bailey reported on May Celebration and will be president next year. Tickets are on sale now at $20.00.

                       iv.     Scholarship application update - applications are coming in and the club will give out three scholarships this year.

5)     Raffle-June Cook

6)     Adjournment- 1:38 p

Respectfully submitted by Sheri Silverman


The Villages Nurse Club

General Business Meeting February 13, 2024, 12:30 p.m.

1.     Meeting called to order by President Arline Reinking-Hanf at 12:30

2.     Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance

3.     Housekeeping: AED, website address, raffle, scholarships, doors open at noon and thanked eveyrone for not congregating in the hall.  The April Meeting date could change and to be announced.

4.     Members were reminded to visit the webpage:

5.     General business meeting after the speaker

a.     Raffle tickets are available-support scholarship program-June Cook

b.     Arline- reports the need for a VP to work with Linda Bailey

c.     Committee reports

Treasurer- Kathy Mele reports financial. $984.00 in October for shoppers. Clark Barios and lunch was $399.25. $ 253.00 in raffle and $178.00 in scholarship funds. Total balance 2017.99.

Tours- Nancy Rush announced next tour will be Tuesday February 27th at 11 am.  We  will tour PEBBLE SPRINGS RETIREMENT COMMUNITY

Nomination- Marilyn Lanzone discussed new officers and the VP serves one year and is   responsible for the Christmas Party and May Celebration with installation of new officers, 

Raffle-June Cook announced the winners

6.              Adjournment. 

Respectfully submitted by Sheri Silverman



The Villages Nurse Club

General Business Meeting January 9, 2024 12:30 p.m.

 Meeting called to order by President Arline Reinking-Hanf at 12:30

1.    Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance
2.    Housekeeping: AED, website address, raffle, scholarships, Lifestream and Christmas Celebration.  The April Meeting date could change and will  be announced.

3.     Joanne Hisey introduced the guest speaker (Lisa Hanko from Senior Living Options). Followed by the presentation.

4.     General business meeting after the speaker.

a.     Raffle tickets are available-support scholarship program - June Cook

b.     Cookies/desserts were well received - report from Linda Bailey 

c.     Treasurer- Kathy Mele reports financial. $984.00 in October for shoppers. Clark Barios and lunch was $399.25. $ 253.00 in raffle and $178.00 in scholarship funds. Total balance 2017.99.

d.     Tours- Nancy Rush announced next tour will be January 25 at Premium Cannabis in Lady Lake.. Dr. Alvarez is having a public seminar February 6, 2024 at the Wildwood Community Center and doors open at 5:15, need to register ahead of time.

e.     Nomination- Marilyn Lanzone discussed nominations needed for the Vice President.  The VP serves one year and is responsible for the Christmas Party and May Celebration with installation of new officers, and then moves into the President position for the second year.

f.      Raffle-called by June Cook


Respectfully submitted by Sheri Silverman


The Villages Nurses Club

General Business Meeting November 16, 2023 

Meeting called to order by President Arline Reinking-Hanf at 11:57 am

1)      Pledge of Allegiance

2)     Housekeeping: AED, website address, raffle, scholarships, Lifestream and Veterans Celebration.

3)     Joanne Hisey introduced the speaker....Dr. Jeffrey Norton on Lewy Body Dementia.

4)     General business meeting after the speaker at 1:15pm

a.     Kathy Mele, treasurer, gave the report. Included were scholarships, Lifestream, 20th anniversary celebration. Balance: $2366.84

b.     Scholarship Committe by Cathy Emes - there is an opening on the committee. Currently they are reviewing the application before sending to the nursing schools. Late March will decide.

c.     Collection for Lifestream begins today-this is a group home the club supports at Christmas, members shop for clients and present gifts. Collection continued at the November meeting.

d.     Sunshine (correspondence) Pat Keeney will send out get well cards and sympathy cards. You can contact her at 352-259-7573.

e.     Vicki DeShaw reported on Lifestream and Christmas shopping in December for 13 participants, about $60.00 each. Lifestream will be invited to the Holiday Luncheon.

f.      November 28th Hearthstone Assisted Living Facility Tour at 10 am....near Lakeside Landing on Rainey Trail.

g.     Veterans celebration this year: 15 Veterans. Definition of Memorial Day and Veterans Day given.

h.     Overview of the December party given by Linda Bailey. Clark Barios entertainment, sandwhiches, chips and cookies provided.  Members encouraged to bring dessert to share - bags will be available to take home items.BYOB

i.       June conducted the raffle

5)     Meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted,

Sheri Silverman


The Villages Nurse Club

Business Meeting October 10, 2023 

Meeting called to order by President Arline Reinking-Hanf at 12:00

 1)     Welcome to the 20th Anniversary Celebration.

2)      Pledge of Allegiance.

3)     Housekeeping: AED, website address, and Florence Nightingale pledge. 

4)     General business meeting items:

         a.     Membership renewal-$10.00/year

         b.     Scholarship support raffle

         c.     Collection for Lifestream begins today for this group home which the club supports at Christmas.  Members shop for clients and present gifts. (yellow envelopes) collection will continue thru our November meeting

5)     Committee reports

         a.     Treasurer report Kethy Mele- $1162.00

         b.     Tours- Nancy Rush- Lake Sumter College needs help on 10/31/2023

         c.     November program date changes to Thursday November 16. Dr. Jeffrey Norton talking about Lewy Body Dementia- Leslie Mulhauser

         d.     Veterans’ celebration November 16, date changed.

6)     20th Anniversary Celebration Program

          a.     Past presidents, club started for nurses to socialize with other nurses

           b.     Vice president helps the president and takes president role the following year. Helps with club goals, socializing, and new medical concepts.

           c.     Lyn McElwee presented topics about the emails, communication and discussed how the club started in a nurse’s living room, and the evolution our webpage.

           d.     Scholarship history was presented by Cathy Emes and the process for senior nursing students to apply. Other generous donations were mentioned in addition to the club scholarships.

            e.     Joanne Hisey presented the speakers the club has welcomed over the years.

            f.      Nancy Rush presented the tours the club has taken over the years.

            g.     Kathy Mele presented club donations, the plaque and bench for the club.

             h.     June Cook presented the raffle, the purpose and use of the funds.

             i.       Ellen Tierney presented the topic of Nurse Veterans over the years and mentioned the change of date this year to November 16.

              j.       Vicki DeShaw presented the December socials and the Lifestream history with the club. The details were presented as the clients present a wish list based on their needs and wants. The club will have volunteer shoppers and present the clients with their gifts in December.

             k.     Marilyn Lanzone presented the May Celebrations.  The Bylaws are available on the website. The May celebration coincides with Nurse's Day and is a catered lunch. Each nurse wishing to attend will purchase a ticket for the luncheon. The officers are recognized and moved up to some of the next positions. The candlelight ceremony includes the induction of the new officers with the past president doing the installation. The need for new nurses to apply for these positions was discussed.

             l.       Maryann Parker presented the Parliamentarian role, the Board, and the by-Laws.  There were 6 amendments over the past years. There are 3 Members-at-Large that bring concerns back to the board and maintains a good working relationship with The Villages management.

            m.    Arline Reinking-Hanf led the Nurse prayer. 

             n.     Arline Reinking-Hanf had roses given to past presidents in their honor.

7)     Business Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m. and Celebration of club’s 20th anniversary started. 

Respectfully submitted,

Sheri Silverman 


The Villages Nurse Club

Business Meeting September 12, 2023

Time difference noted for April 2024 meeting. Board meeting will start at 12:00. November meeting day change.

Lyn McElwee will address time difference on website. 

10 new members recognized. 

Doors will open at 12:00 and that is designated social time.

Additional committee chairs are needed. 

Tours, raffles and other committee reports offered.

Cindy Greenberg presented to members the October 20Th anniversary presentation.

Joanne Hisey presented programs coming this year. 

Leslie Mulhouser presented an educational and volunteer opportunity offered at Lake Sumter College.  

 Nancy Rush gave an overview of tours scheduled and in the planning stage.

 CPR mentioned and available online and through the Fire Dept.

Respectfully submitted

Sheri Silverman

Created by Lyn McElwee